Twitter on Linux CLI. I’m starting to live in the terminal. #SocialMediaInShell #WritingCodesInTerminal

Why I prefer writing most of my code in a ‘terminal’ for a few reasons.

  1. GUI tools cause me to forget things I want to remember.
  2. I prefer a functional programming style that keeps code chunks small and a GUI doesn’t add that much value.
  3. I prefer to have a lot of terminal windows open. Not just tabs in one Window. Multiple windows of an IDE is resource expensive. Terminal multiplexer like TMUX is free.
  4. Using a terminal forces one to keep code relationships and abstractions in my head which I like. GUI’s do that for you and weaken that muscle.
  5. I like my hands on a keyboard more than a mouse.

I still occasionally use an IDE and I currently have Sublime Text 3 installed. I used Sublime Text 3 again today. And I think it’s okay.